Friday, November 5, 2004

What a FUN post office we have

I went to the Post Office today and, as I often do, reflected on what a FUN post office we have. There is a group of people who work there who make it their mission to make you laugh while you wait in line. While all of the postmasters are really nice and helpful people, there is one particular post master, Jim, who leads the fun. Not that he's all that nice. He teases me to death every time I walk in. There is usually a long line as I walk in the post office, Jim spies me and says very loudly for everyone to hear, "Boy I sure wish I had a truffle right now - wouldn't that be good!". And everone looks around and those who live here see me and laugh cause they know who I am.

By Jim's work station are pictures of 30 kids. He knows all of them by name. Jim knows EVERYONE by name. He used to live in the midwest and, as he tells it - he was about 60 pounds overweight, and was a miserable person to live with. "Ask my wife" he says "she's a saiint and puts up with me - God bless her." He moved to Telluride and began runnning. Now he runs the "Imogene." The Imogene is a race done every year where they run from one town to another (Ouray to Telluride). Now these town aren't all that far apart as the crow flies, but they are both at about 8,0000 feet to begin with Oh - and then there is this 12,000 peak that you have to run over during the race. Now I don't want to reveal Jim's age, but he ain't no spring chicken. But he usually wins or comes in pretty close to the front in his age bracket..

I really appreciate all that Jim and his fellow postmasters do at the post office. They think it's fun to make your day a little easier and bring a smile to your face. God bless them. If I go into the post office troubled or in a bad mood - I rarely leave that way.

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