Friday, May 23, 2003

Mountain Film

"Mountain Film" has begun and it is by far my favorite festival of the summer. It marks the official end of Off Season which began the day after the mountain closed in early April until Mountain Film in late May. During Off Season the town literally closes up and most people leave. Now, everyone is back in town and full of energy talking about their adventures in the past two months. The main questions asked is: what did you do for Off Season? And adventures are told of going to Baja or Hawaii or well - anywhere with lots of hot sun - rare in Telluride during off season. One year I went to Palm Springs of all places (it's a long story). After 3 days of being poolside in 110 degrees, I turned to my friend and said - "I'm finally warm." But enough about off season.

Mountain Film - It is a film festival for documentaries mainly about mountain life. People come from all over the world for this festival. It is three days of celebrating mountain life and mountain people and the feeling of it is layed back and just alot of fun. You also become very educated about people and lifestyles all over the world where mountains exist.

This year is Mountain Film's 25th anniversary so they decided to do a little pre-festival for the locals. So every day at 5pm, they are giving away free beer, wine and food and then opening up one of the theatres presenting free music, lectures and and movies. It has been great fun and everyone has enjoyed it quite a bit.

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